Beef Burritos, Cherry Tomatoes and Vegetables

Beef Burritos, Cherry Tomatoes and Vegetables

Beef Burritos - Cherry Tomatoes 🍒 - Carrot Sticks Green Grapes -Red Grapes

Beef Burritos Ingredients :

Whole wheat Tortillas
Beef mince
Sweet Corn kernels 🌽
Mix Capsicum diced
Red Onions chopped
Red Kidney Beans
Ginger garlic paste
Salsa Sauce
Taco Seasoning
Olive Oil

Serving Sides:

Cherry Tomatoes Carrot Sticks
Green Grapes
Red Grapes


In a hot pan add olive oil, sauté chopped onions with ginger garlic paste. Add the beef mince and taco seasoning and cook till done and keep aside. In the same pan add the chopped capsicums and sauté for few minutes.Add the red kidney beans and salsa sauce.
In a tortilla, assemble the fillings(beef, beans, capsicum, corn and lettuce) and roll them. Warm the tortillas over the grill and Burritos are ready to be packed in the lunch boxes.


Mommies, Burritos are perfect for your kids lunch boxes as you can customize the fillings as per your kids taste and they are freezer friendly.

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